Tutoring (private classes or group classes)
Tutoring can be given to individualsor small groups (up to six people) organized by the own students. The difference between the individual and group classes is not only the number of people but also in the joint work power and the cost of each class per student.
Groups of Study
Group of study is a group created by the students which can vary from two to six people and works as a cooperative and that minimizes significantly the cost of each class for each member of the group.
School Assistance
It consist of giving assistance to weak students, according to their needs, breaking taboos, filling in the gaps that have appeared during the learning process, providing the student with higher self-esteem and confidence as well as a good development during the school year.
Math for the Freshman Student
Many people, when starting a graduation course, find it difficult to follow the contents due to lack of previous knowledge in some math topics given in secondary and high school courses. Because of that, NEPS has created a special program to attend these students' needs.
Math for Public Examination
There are people who aim to have a job in the public sector. in order to archieve that, they study for hours in specialized public examination courses that have overloaded classes and no deepness in contents, making the learning mechanic, superficial and worthless.
NEPS has a methodology which believes that understanding must be above memorizing. understanding is cause and memorizing is consequence. When you memorize something without understanding it you will, for sure, forget it. the real knowledge is based on learning and practice.
Online Exercises
The NEPS method of teaching/learning consist of using the same statement of a problem in different solutions by providing a variant, which can be a letter or a number that can be changed in the original statement. This will enable the students to give different answers to the same problem, reinforcing the learning in each step of the process, bearing in mind that it is a new challenge.
For more information: Get in touch with us. You will be most welcome.